Rethinking a new future.
Since 2020, we've been forging new ways of doing business. As an owner of a retail business managing through the pandemic, it was terrifying at first to watch. my business literally dissolve. But I did what I do: I created a risk management plan and a RESET plan.
RESET is an acronym that stands for a 6 stage process. It stands for renew, energize, strategy and support, empower and transform.
I created RESET to establish and apply a process to my own business, beginning with a clear and objective understanding of understanding and managing the risk in the reality of the moment.
I developed a working model to manage and move forward, one step at a time.
My business is still surviving four years later. Now it's time to rebuild and rethink th future, because we have changed.
We will never be the same. And that's OK. Having a path forward is the most important thing to do, and to be flexible in adjusting the a new world.
Reimagine the future.
Engage with thought leaders, customers and those impact in a fact based thinking process to understand possible scenarios and the implications of those scenarios, and choose the option.
Strategy development based on the most viable future state.
Execute the choices.
Take it to the streets.